LYNX Grand Prix Photo Finisher USA
1-Grand Prix Elite-Vision Packaged Solution-Vision Grand Prix (QYT-1)
2-5L600 VisionPro High Sensitivity, Color Camera,2D Preview (QYT-1)
3-5LTE Timer Enabling option for EtherLynx & Vision Cameras (QYT-1)
4-5LHR Video Display option for Vision Series (QYT-1)
5-5LZOOM Extended Resolution & Zoom for EtherLynx (QYT-1)
6-5L6K Vision Pro Upgrade fps: 3K to 6K (QYT-1)
7-Ext-Wifi Ext Wireless for EtherLynx & Vision Camera Includes 8L101 (QYT-1)
8-2L102 Remote Positioner (QYT-1)
9-5L Batt Internal Camera Battery for vision series (QYT-2)
10-C1275M Remote Controlled Zoom C-Mount Lens 12.5-75 mm f1.2 (QYT-1)
11-5L500 EtherLynx Vision High Sensitivity, Color Camera,2D Preview (QYT-1)
12-5LTE Timer Enabling option for EtherLynx & Vision Cameras (QYT-1)
13-5LHR High Resolution option for EtherLynx Vision Camera (QYT-1)
14-5LVDM Video Display option for vision series (QYT-1)
15-5LLux4 Lux Boost level 4 for vision series (QYT-1)
16-5L Level Internal Camera level function for vision series (QYT-1)
17-Vision PS Kit vision series AC/DC and DC in Power Supply Kit (QYT-1)
18-C848 C Mount 8-48 mm Motorized Zoom Lens (QYT-1)
19-CS2810 P CS Mount 2.8-10 mm P-Iris (QYT-1)
20-Int-3L900 Internal RadioLynx Start System-Vision series only (QYT-2)
21-1A205USB Capture button and 5.9-Foot USB Cord(QYT-2)
22-1A207 Custom Camera Carrying Case (QYT-2)
23-2L 102 Remote Positioner (QYT-2)
24-2L 102 Remote Positioner (QYT-1)
25-3a100 XLR-3 Start Cable-500 Foot (QYT-2)
26-3L400 Normally Closed Start Sensor w/Ready Light(QYT-1)
27-3L-Mount Nylon Mount for attaching gun sensor to starters gun (QYT-2)
28-B200 Heavy Duty 152” Crank-up camera stand w/wheels (QYT-1)
29-BG3036 Heavy Duty 74” camera Tripod with leveling (QYT-1)
30-BG2909 Super Head Clamp (QYT-1)
31-BG3275 Geared Mounting Head (QYT-2)
32-C10BT-100 10 Base T Network cable-100’Length,with RJ45 Connectors (QYT-3)
33-9LSW01 Lynxpad Meet Management software (QYT-1)
34-5LSW FinishLynx32 Software License (QYT-1)
35-5LACM Auto capture plug-in & virtual photo eye unit for Finishlynx (QYT-1)
36-5LPNCP Network com port plug-in for FinishLynxx32 (QYT-1)
37-5LPRL RadioLynx Plug-in for FinishLynxx32 (QYT-1)
38-5LLAP Lap and split counting and timing plug-in for FinshLynx32 (QYT-1)
39-Resul TV-U Resul TV Software License with USB HW key (QYT-1)
40-8L 105 AirLynx Amplified Antenna Kit (QYT-1)
41-8L110-B SeriaLynx (Wired/Wireless) with External Battery Pack (QYT-1)
42-SR-IdentiLynx 2D camera package-Max Res 1920×1080, Max Rate 30fps (QYT-1)
43-BG394 Medium duty tripod (QYT-1)
44-C10BT-10 10 Base T Network cable-10 foot, with RJ45 Connectors (QYT-1)
45-IDL-PoE Power over Ethernet module 30watt, 56 Volts (QYT-1)
46-IDL-SR 2D Head on camera-Max Res 1920×1080,Max Rate 30fps (QYT-1)
47-SE520 Heavy Duty Custom camera carrying case-Medium (QYT-1)
48-WPCAT6-100 100′ CAT6 w/RJ45 Connector, weatherproof hood at one end (QYT-1)
49-IDL-Mount Vicon camera Mounting Bracket (QYT-1)
50-WP-RJ45-F Waterproof female RJ45 Recpt (QYT-1)
51-POE-Switch 8-port 10/100 power over Ethernet Switch (QYT-1)
52-WG-Lynx-SA Weather Proof wind Gauge for use with FL and stand alone use (QYT-1)
53-E39820 6” 4-Digital LED wind Gauge Display & Countdown Timer (QYT-1)
54-LCB2-25-3 2-Digit Three-Sided Lab Counter 25cm with tripod (QYT-1)
55-ACC093K Wireless photocell kit 15m Range (QYT-2)
56-MG-ACC093D Short range double photocell kit 15m Range (QYT-1)
57-MG-ENC004 RadioLynx Transmitter (QYT-1)
58-Fld-Dsply-1S Infield Display & Frame-1sided (QYT-3)
59-Fld-Dsply-2S Infield Display & Frame-2 sided (QYT-1)
60-Fld-Disply-WA-2S Wheel Assembly for 2-sided Infield Displays (QYT-1)
61-HDMI-050 HDMI Interface Cable 50 Feet (QYT-1)
62-C10BT-300 10 Base T Network Cable-300′ length, with RJ45 Connector (QYT-2)
63-C-Box2 Connection Box for EtherLynx Camera with two photo eye inputs (QYT-1)
64-451 Connection Box Cable (QYT-1)
65-RS 45000000/=